If you want to extend the amount of time you spend outside and entertain your guests while preparing food, there is no better way than cooking in an outdoor kitchen. Depending on your patio and yard space, proper outdoor kitchen design will be very important to use the space you have in the best way possible. It’s crucial to consider your needs and the possibilities that your space provides.
It is always important to plan within your budget when considering building materials, design and size. With an outdoor kitchen it is important to think about how many people you will generally be cooking for and what appliances and cooking devices are needed. Although designing an outdoor kitchen may seem like a daunting task, the benefits of being able to prepare food and cook outside are unbeatable.
Outdoor Kitchen Design Possibilities
There are numerous ways to customize and personalize your outdoor kitchen design in order for it to fit your own needs. You want to be sure and design your outdoor kitchen in way that will not only allow for the best use of space but will also protect your kitchen equipment. It is important to have an awning or other protective covers that will keep your appliances safe during cold and wet winter months. Many weatherproof appliances are available for purchase and these will be further protected from corrosion and damage.
Depending on how you will be cooking and the size of your space, there are numerous appliances available. Some appliances that you may want to consider are:
- grill
- cook-top
- sink
- refrigerator
- pizza oven
- ice maker.
Think about how you will be using your outdoor kitchen to cook. Are you a burgers and hotdogs kind of person, do you usually use your grill for cooking up various cuts of steak, do you prefer a fresh cooked wood oven pizza or are you more interested in using the kitchen to mix drinks?
Another important part of outdoor kitchen design is the inclusion of cupboards and storage spaces. These storage spaces are important because they will protect many of the items you use in your outdoor kitchen from weather exposure. Some food items can be stored in sealable storage spaces so that you can keep your outdoor kitchen supplied at all times.
Outdoor Kitchen Design and Decor
Many people prefer to incorporate the interior design of their house into their outdoor kitchen design. You can view the design of your outdoor kitchen as an extension of your indoor kitchen. Some people choose to carry the styles, colors patterns and shapes of their interior kitchen to their exterior kitchen, while some others design their exterior kitchens to juxtapose their interior kitchens. This is a fun and interesting way to compliment the interior décor, while establishing a unique décor for the exterior.
Planning and building an outdoor kitchen is a very involved and complicated task that should only be attempted by a skilled builder. Remember that the various components of outdoor kitchen design can include plumbing, electrical and numerous other fabrication and stonework tasks depending on what you choose to include in your design. A professional can help with design, planning and the build itself. Though it may seem like a large task, an outdoor kitchen will give you more time outdoors enjoying the cool summer breeze as you cook.